Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soooo . . .

Spent the entire day on Sunday, running errands.
This is after I drug the girls to SS and Confirmation Class.
Watched PBS's second installment of Emma.
I love it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

And We're Off

Two games today.
One for volleyball and the other for soccer.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Beat Goes On

Blonde Girl for Generations Day.
She is feeling pretty groovy.
Naturally, all of these things are in her existing wardrobe.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rainbow Room's Rainbow

It rained and we had the prettiest rainbow outside of our class.
Naturally, the Rainbow class thought it was for them.

It was.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Clash Day

Twelve shirts.

Three pairs of pants.

Three pony tails.

One skirt.

Backwards earrings.

She got HOT.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Guess What?

At the used book sale at my school,
I bought volumes one and two of Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
Julia Child!
I will only use a couple of recipes,
I am sure.
But, it is available to me 24/7.
All for $3.

Monday, January 25, 2010

And He is Off

Today Love Man starts his new job.
He has kind of a far commute,
but he does LOVE pretty drives.

I insisted on taking his photo for the blog
And, he did mug shots for me.

That is not a bald spot.
He hair was parted weird and the light hit it just right.
We did have to check.
Yes, he still has a full head of hair.

He wore his boots with his outfit

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Report is In

According to my rain-o-meter,
we had two inches of rain at our house.
Did you know Arizona only gets around 8 inches of rain per year.
Google it if you don't believe me.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just Call Me Hazel

Remember that TV show "Hazel"?
Well, guess what I've done ALL day?
Go ahead, guess . . . . .

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Storm

I bought this rain gauge to measure the rain.
Two Home Depot employees had to think really hard as to where they were kept in the store.
I got the last one.
It is nice.
Mom, you should buy this one.
The rain makes the blue show up so you can read it from a distance.
It also has large letters.
We can seriou sly see the amount of rain from our house to where it is posted out by the pool.
It was $3.98 and we will have to take it in when it is not raining as it would be sun-damaged.

This is 7th Avenue, right by our house.
We have had to drive all the way around to get Miss Brunette to school.
Both of the kids came home soaked yesterday.
All rooms in schools in Arizona open to the outside and have courtyard type areas.

This is a view from Grasshopper Bridge in Moon Valley Park.
It is still 7th Avenue.

The wash near our house.

This walkway joins the playground part of the park with the open fields and paths.

The bike bridge that we love.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Perfect Storm

This giant rain storm is coming.
They are now saying 60 mile an hour wind.
I guess we better take in the pool pillows.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Rains are Coming

It is supposed to rain.
A lot.
Flagstaff is supposed to get 5 FEET of snow.
Yes, I do mean FEET.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Frequently Asked Questions, for those who do not speak abbreviation.

I never did hear about your Colin Firth movie, "The Accidental Husband" - how did you like it?

It was okay. I just don't believe that Colin Firth does not get the girl. He always gets the girl.
He is Colin Firth!

Do you and Love Man ever fight?

Not that often, but when we do it is a pretty big argument. I am a dream to live with. LOL!

Why do you only have two children?

I had complications with both and we are happy with two. Blonde Girl wants us to adopt a baby or big brother. I told her if the parents ages add up to 100, we wouldn't be eligible. She looked that fun fact up online and discovered that the rule is not always enforced. We are getting close to 100.

Where do you come up with your post ideas?

There is always something going on. Nothing very funny has happened to me lately, though.
There is always preschool for something to talk about and the dogs.

Will you get a fourth dog?

Love Man's second wife can make that decision. Three dogs are enough.

How can you afford to go to so many movies?

We purchase passes at AAA in groups of 10 at a much reduced rate. Night-time prices are $12ish. We also buy the annual t-shirt for the theater and if we bring it, we get free popcorn. The souvenir drink cups give us refills all year for a $1. And, I am not above doing all of this for a deal.

Are there any other questions?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fruit Cakes without the Cake

This is all of the fruit that we grow in the backyard.
Naval oranges.
Meyer lemons, I think.
God only knows what kind of lime, either Key or Mexican.

I eat two oranges daily.
I think I am the only one in the family.
The rest like smaller oranges or tangerines.
Oh please.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Daily Post

I stained the play set today.
A dirty job.
Then, took a nice bath and scrubbed stain off of me.
The top is the hardest part.
It has a green canopy that goes on top.

Previously went around to the stores.
I just wanted to see if they are still there.
Bought a basket for Love Man's many baseball caps.
And, one for the girl's soccer and volleyballs.

Too much stuff.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Another Saturday

We have volleyball at 10 and soccer at 1:30.
And, of course, the Cardinals are playing the Saints around 2:30.
I have my flag up. No parties for the Cardinals, yet.
But, there are a lot of cars with Cardinals flags on them.
The residents of Phoenix get very excited about their sports teams.
Love Man grew up loving the Bears.
But, he has supported these Cardinals for 22 years.
They moved here the same year we did.
I think tonight Love Man and I are going to go see "Up in the Air" with George Clooney.
I'll let you know.
Please keep good thoughts for my friends parents. Her father had a defibrillator/pacemaker put in and has had lung complications. While taking their dog out and waiting for the ambulance to take her husband back to the hospital, my friend's mother fell on the ice and seriously injured her back. They will both be the the hospital for a while. My friend could use some good thoughts, too.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Snow Flakes

This art work is courtesy of the Rainbow Room.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Thought of Snow

I haven't seen snow fall from the sky in a few years.
Last year we didn't get up North to see the snow.
Love Man was mostly in Idaho.
I was afraid to drive a rear-wheel drive car in the mountains.
I like snow.
at least.
I don't like the cold or ice.
The western snow is different from the snow of my youth.
Iowa snow is wet.
Western snow is more dry.
Strange that snow can be different.
It is only white, cold and wet,
yet it varies.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Few Thoughts

Actually, I've got nothing.
We were a hit last night.
The Princess class was also a hit.
It is more about rescuing yourself and telling Prince or Princess Charming that you would be happy to marry them as soon as you get your degree from college. . . . . .

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Busy One

We have Dad's Night tonight.
Today was the start of my Princesspalooza class.
I have drunco, I mean bunco, also tonight.
And, I am going. . . . .

Monday, January 11, 2010

We Never Like Monday

I think all weekends need three days.
We need to promote this.
And, 2010 - 2012 are the tweens.
And, 2013 - 2019 are the teens.
I have decided.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend Update

The volleyball and soccer game were good.

I also went to three grocery stores,
returned some defective sports equipment,
purchased some sport shorts at the Ross
and all three of us girls got our hair cut.

It is our trice yearly ritual.
Miss Brunette thinks hers is too short.
Blonde Girl is happy with her two inches off
and I am fine with mine,
which is a smidge shorter now that I am home.

Miss Brunette and I painted our toes last night,
Blonde Girl spent the night with her friend, Molly.
Love Man watched football.
Glam, glam, and more glam.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Going to the Movies

Over break we went to a lot of movies.
It was fun.
The movie theater that we frequent sells a t-shirt and if you bring it,
you get free popcorn.
They also have souvenir cups and if you bring them,
your drink is $1.
Needless to say,
we live and die by the popcorn and cup deal.

Here is our take on the movies:

Blind Side - This is a must see.
It is a beautiful, beautiful movie.

It's Complicated - is very funny.
The best romantic comedy in a long time.

Everybody's Fine - It is a bit sad,
but good.

Leap Year - It is cute.
I like the two leading actors.

Have You Heard About the Morgans ?- It is fun.
I would probably red box that one.

The Princess Frog - Love Man and Blonde Girl loved it.

Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squekel - I thought it was going to be a waste of movie passes,
but is was cute.

Avatar - Great as reviewed by my family.
The girls have seen it twice.

Sherlock Holmes - I thought is was great.
It was a bit too much for Miss Brunette.

We buy passes at Triple AAA.
It is a lot more affordable.
Depending upon the time of day,
we can sometimes get a lower price for the girls.
Why go to so much trouble.
The first movie of the day is the least expensive,
but that doesn't always work.
The evening movies are around $12.
Isn't that ridiculous!!

Love Man is a soft touch.
I saw him paying $4 for Skittles for Blonde Girl.
And, it could have been $5,
who knows.
I bought movie candy yesterday at the Dollar Tree.
That's right,
I am not above sneaking a box of candy into the movies. . . . .

Friday, January 8, 2010

And Away We Go

Tomorrow we start again with volleyball matches and soccer games.
Luckily, they are not at the same time,
which happens a lot.
We are good.
We've had way too hectic a week for the first week back.
Practices are now four nights a week.
That makes me sad,
but it is how the schedule worked out.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Few Complaints

We have had a few complaints about the sign.
Neighborhood beautification and all that.
Some say it is ugly. . . .
Others think I am directing the sign at THEM.
Paranoia will destroy ya.
Stop passing me while I am pulling into my driveway,
then we will NOT need the sign.
The sign stays.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Okay, Okay

Sorry, I am so late with this post.
I am fine.
I am only busy.
More tomorrow.
Don't call my mother,
I am fine.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm Back at School

School resumes for moi.

Monday, January 4, 2010

We Made It

We got off to school without a hitch.
Getting up went surprisingly well.
I found out later that Miss B told Blonde G that she could sleep with her nightly if she got up and got dressed quickly in the morning.
Blonde Girl is a lollygagger.
I promised them new earrings if they were "ultra cooperative" like they were this morning.
The girls have to behave like this for TWO WEEKS.
No drama.
No trauma.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Catching Rays

I believe that they are the world's cutest dogs.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Not Quite Past

I don't think I am going to wait until after the 6th to take down Christmas.
I am doing some of it today.
Maybe just switching out the dishes from Spode Christmas Tree
to the blue Fiesta and the Folk Art.

The girls are off to the movies with a friend.
Poor things had to get up around 8 to be ready to go at 9:30.
Monday is going to be a rude awakening for them.

It is chilly this morning.
The dogs were whining after they came inside.
Sadie got on the bed with me and cried for a few minutes.
How they suffer. . . . .

Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year

Welcome to the tens or tennies.
Who knows what to call it.

I hope you had a fun night.
We were at the movies
Blonde Girl and Love Man saw "Avatar".
They loved it.
Miss Brunette and I saw "Sherlock Holmes".
She did not like it.
It was interesting and different,
too much for Miss Brunette.
I think she would have rather stayed home.
Last night there was a "Thin Man" marathon.
You know, with Myrna Loy and William Powell,
all six made in the thirties and forties.
We know what to call those decades.

The movies are GREAT!
Very witty, smart, fast paced and glamorous.
I am only waiting a reasonable amount of time before I banish Love Man out of the family room.