Saturday, September 12, 2009


Why didn't you go camping with Love Man?

He wanted to get up there early. Blonde Girl was going to miss some of school, but then didn't want to because of percussion practice. Miss Brunette does not get out of school until 3:50 and she really can't miss school. We would have gotten there so late or else we would have had to have left at the crack of dawn on Saturday. We always come home a day early than the holiday because of the massive amount of laundry and the lighter traffic. So, the girls and I decided to stay home. Happily.

Which one is Blonde Girl and which is Miss Brunette?

Blonde Girl is the youngest and is 10. Miss Brunette is the oldest and is 12.

Why do you call "Love Man" Love Man?

God only knows. I think it started out as a joke. I have called him that for years. Maybe I wanted him to get me a coke. My friends, who know me, well know I call him that. I don't call Miss Brunette and Blonde Girl by their handles. I call them by their first names and other nicknames.

How long have you and Love Man been married?

We will have been married 22 years next April. Our marriage has been mostly good.

Why do you have three dogs?

We had been talking about it for a while and then we meet Sadie up for adoption at the PetSmart. I am no longer going in any pet stores that have adoptions or pets for sale. The dogs get along well and everyone is helping with them. So, it is almost easier for me.

And, of course, you know the stocking thing.

Why do you have a blog?

It was really started as an easy way to show my mom, sister and niece pictures and daily progress reports. Later all of my Iowa friends started reading it and now my Phoenix friends read it.

What blogs do you read?

Nie Nie Dialogues, Emily Style, C Jane Enjoy it, Jaimee Rose and Tongue in Cheek. I read them every day.

Why are you not on Facebook?

Okay, stop asking me to be your friend on Facebook. I hate Facebook. People post lame things like "yum, I made muffins this morning" and "oh, what a beautiful morning". I also don't want to take some survey telling me what kind of candy I am like. Hello? It would be Junior Mints.

I am from a small town of 500 people. I have known most of the people in my life for twenty plus years. If am not in contact with lost acquaintances - there might be a reason. ;)

I don't feel the need to reconnect with people I have lost touch with. I just want to stay connected with the ones I am in touch with.