You knew I would get to it sooner or later.
Every single time I visit my mother in Iowa, we have an encounter with bats. They have flown at me upstairs, coming out of the bathroom and several times in the kitchen and front room. Once, a damned bat flew at me while I was sitting at the kitchen table. I went under the table. My mother said, "you have to get up and help." Okay, but in my defense, I took my baby nephew under the table, too. I did help.
If the bats got away from us and went upstairs, we were in trouble. Mother attacked them like
a ninja with hair spray and a tennis racket. Often times, she was in her nightgown. It was a sight. She would jump into action and most of the times the bat didn't live to tell the story. Bats are nocturnal and that is why my mom was in her jammies.
Yes, I know bats are useful to the environment. Southern Iowa has NO pollution and a huge bat population. Blonde Girl is interested in bats and has two informative books on the subject.
Evidently, the bats that live in Iowa are the little brown bat. I have learned this while reading these bat books to Blonde Girl for years.
The book also talks about how bats need a bat house. So, after getting NO sleep for days at my mother's house because of these lovely creations, I had an idea. Well, actually it was Blonde Girl's. We needed a bat house! I was going to get my mother a bat house.
Every single time I visit my mother in Iowa, we have an encounter with bats. They have flown at me upstairs, coming out of the bathroom and several times in the kitchen and front room. Once, a damned bat flew at me while I was sitting at the kitchen table. I went under the table. My mother said, "you have to get up and help." Okay, but in my defense, I took my baby nephew under the table, too. I did help.
If the bats got away from us and went upstairs, we were in trouble. Mother attacked them like
a ninja with hair spray and a tennis racket. Often times, she was in her nightgown. It was a sight. She would jump into action and most of the times the bat didn't live to tell the story. Bats are nocturnal and that is why my mom was in her jammies.
Yes, I know bats are useful to the environment. Southern Iowa has NO pollution and a huge bat population. Blonde Girl is interested in bats and has two informative books on the subject.
Evidently, the bats that live in Iowa are the little brown bat. I have learned this while reading these bat books to Blonde Girl for years.
The book also talks about how bats need a bat house. So, after getting NO sleep for days at my mother's house because of these lovely creations, I had an idea. Well, actually it was Blonde Girl's. We needed a bat house! I was going to get my mother a bat house.
Once that house was up, no more bats. Several people thought it is hilarious and that we are
crazier than we are already perceived to be. It seems to work. Neighbors have shined flashlights up there and have seen nothing. It is pretty dark. For a while, it was a pretty big topic of conversation.
Now the only reminder of our bat saga is the bat Italian charm on my mother's bracelet. It is her second one, the first allegedly flew away.
crazier than we are already perceived to be. It seems to work. Neighbors have shined flashlights up there and have seen nothing. It is pretty dark. For a while, it was a pretty big topic of conversation.
Now the only reminder of our bat saga is the bat Italian charm on my mother's bracelet. It is her second one, the first allegedly flew away.