Here she is, Miss Brunette ready for her first night of Junior Assembly,
where she will dance and learn social graces.
She is in a group with kids in her school.
She has to wear a dress or skirt and blouse, dress shoes and white gloves.
She was pretty excited.
We headed to TJ Maxx for the dresses.
She grows so fast,
I only buy her clothes on a need something basis.
All of the dresses have black in them.
Thank God, as it is very hard to find dress shoes in 9 1/2 or 10 women,
that fit her skinny foot and are appropriate.
Black is usually the only color.
I will try to get her to try them on for me and take pictures.
The boys have to wear a coat and tie.
She danced with 4 boys, two she didn't know - they discussed CIMI.
Her other two dance partners are in her grade at LOM.
She had a great time and was very smiley when she got home.