Sunday, January 19, 2014

Loving it on This Side of the Pond

We love British shows.  

"Downtown Abbey" - omg!

"Call the Midwife" - one of the best shows ever!

"Doc Martin"- hysterically funny and I want to live in that village.

"Sherlock!" - the best show in the universe.

You all need to watch these shows.  From the beginning, season one if you have not done so already or are a loyal viewer like me!

Have I ever steered you wrong?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Music and the Arts

We are good.  Miss Brunette is recovering from her first week back at school.  Blonde Girl was cast as a raccoon in the junior high play "Peter Pan."

She has heard that Carrie Underwood is coming to town.  She cried upon hearing the news.  It is not easy being a "Care Bear."

Miss B would like to see Katie Perry, who is also coming to town.  I think Love Man would like to see her!!!!!


We try so hard to be normal.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ordinary Times

I told myself when I was putting away the Christmas things, that I would leave the Snow Men until February. Well, one thing lead to another and I basically put the entire shebang away.  I left some Spode candlesticks, my snowman cookie jar and a quilt up.  And, I think I have a snowman snow globe and a holly tea pot still out.  But, all of that deco lives in my house.  The rest goes in the garage or attic. So, it is all bye-bye for now.

I never take the village down any more.  I even turn in on some summer nights.  I like it.  I think I need to get a large plant and put white lights on it in the living room.  That is my new plan.