What a day!
I had a flat tire on Christmas Eve and we went to put air in it. The air machine was broken, so we drove the other car. On Boxing Day, we went to get air - the machine was still broken. We drove to another gas station that has an air compressor machine. We waited at least 20 minutes, while some guy was airing up what appeared to be his daughter's bike and fixing the chain.
Love Man drove the car to Discount Tires. I picked him up. He said, "bad news, we need four new tires."
I drove us home. He got his moped. We all drove to where he was dropping up his moped at the North Mountain Visitor's Center. We drove to Tatum Boulevard, where Love Man began a nearly 10 mile hike.
I went around returning and exchanging things. I was at the Happy Valley Towne Center exchanging at the T.J. Maxx and drove the short distant to the Ross. Love Man's car was suddenly making a terrible noise. Some man kept starting to walk up to my car and then stopped. He later did come up to me and said "You have a really flat tire."
Not the tire or Love Man's car. My car, another time. |
I went to Ross and then called Triple A. Another man wanted to know if I needed help. I said, "I have a really flat tire. I called Triple A, the spare has to be inflated and has to use the lug nuts with it. It is a pain. Thanks anyway." He did get down on the ground and pointed out that I had a screw in my tire.
I called Miss Brunette who laughed and I instructed her to text Love Man informing him that I called Triple A and remembered about the lug nut thing. That lug nut thing cost us a huge towing bill and a repair once.
I had time to duck into World Market before Triple A arrived. He was going to tow to the car
to the tire store across the way. "No, I want to go to my store. This tire is under warranty." He started to get out my spare. "You don't want to do that. It is such an ordeal. Can't you just fill the tire with air and I will go straight there." He thought about it and filled the tire with 40 pounds of air. Too much, but enough if I lost some air.
I drove to the store. The man looked incredulously at me. I can not be the only person in the world who had tire trouble today. The other car was done. I drove home.
An hour or so later, we were on our way to the movies, I called Discount. We needed a new tire, but it was under warranty. I think it cost us $23 dollars and some change. I guess the screw ruined the tire, because it is worse than getting a nail in the tire. I don't know and don't really care.
Last night before we went to bed, I asked Love Man if both cars were in the garage as I wanted to keep the 5 new tires safe.
It is always something.