Friday, April 30, 2010

"Singing in the Rain"

"Singing in the Rain" debuted last night.
It was very good.
Miss Brunette was great.
She moved around with such poise.
And, that is NOT my word.
That is how another mother described it to ME.
So there.

Her desk also has a minor role.
However, I did not know they were going to jump on it, dance on it and sit on it.
That was NOT in the desk's contract.
It may have to walk.
The nerve.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Computer Land

The computer is in the shop, still.
I miss it.
I really do.
I am a bit jittery without it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Neighborly Love

Neighbor John is not speaking to us at the moment.
He does not wave back to us.
Sam came in last Friday drenched.
He had only been out there for a moment.
John was stealthy and squirted Sam from our side yard.
John may never get cinnamon rolls again.
Poor thing will just have to sit in his house with his coffee made.
And, the cinnamon rolls won't be delivered.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We did see "Date Night" the other night.
It was cute.
And, we keep watching "Blind Side".
We love it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, Monday

My computer is screwed up and is going in to get fixed.
Hopefully, they can repair it.
It is soooo messed up.
I can not open attachments and other odd things,
despite doing tons of stuff to fix it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Story

Okay, here is why I am mad a neighbor, John.
For the past couple of years, he has made clucking noises and growling sounds at my dogs.
All from behind the block walls that separate the yards in Phoenix.
It progressed to the dogs barking everytime they heard him.
We asked him to stop.
He didn't.
Then, when the dogs started to bark, he sprayed them with his hose.
The hose seemed pretty ready for action, at all times.
We asked him to stop.
W gave him treats to make friends with the dogs.
He didn't.
It has gotten worse over the last couple of weeks.
He complained about the dogs.
We told him it was partly his fault.
Two Saturdays ago, I was out by the pool and Sam barked.
He went, seriously, "bark, bark, bark, bark".
I was hit in the face with water from John's hose.
OMG, was I mad.
I yelled at him.
I think I mentioned that it has become a conditioned response with the dogs.
I also said I would NEVER, EVER spray water on someone elses property.
I mean the nerve.
I yelled "John, you are spraying me. Stop it."
Love Man and I were going to go over that day to talk to him.
After, I yelled at him, we let it be.
He is so mad at us.
MAD at us!
He has left the dogs alone.
Until yesterday, when Sam went "bark, bark, bark" and I got him.
He was wet.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I am Just Fine

My nose is fine.
I don't have to do anything.
The steroids, he gave me really took down the swelling and bruising.
I am recovered.

I am very, very mad at my neighbor, John.
He won't be getting cinnamon rolls for a long time,
if not ever.

I will tell you tomorrow.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It is Almost May

And, the appearance of goggles is a sure sign that it is nearly May!
Ask anyone,
the girls have goggle issues.
They do.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This tree,
which lives in a pot,
has it's very first lemon ever.
Some have been there and then blown off.
I think this one will stay.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The bouganvilla are blooming and the flowers last all summer.
A sure sign that the heat is on it's way.
I do enjoy hanging out by the pool.
So, I am okay with it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Cushions

At the MV Garage sales,
a few weeks ago,
I picked up these cushions.
They were new and still wrapped in the plastic.
All for a song. . . . . . .
The other ones were done.
These are way better.
I keep falling asleep on them. . . . .
I love them so much.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm Going to be Very Busy Today

And, I have new cushions on these chairs.
I will show you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Horsing Around

Here a some more photos of the horses.

This one must be a girl.

This one looks worried.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wild Horses

We have been making our horses during the last two weeks.
We did a unit on Arizona and one on Arizona, Camping and Cowboys.
Yee haw.
Here they all are finished and corraled in the hallway.

This one looks exactly like "Arthur".

The more eyes the better.

This one has giant ears,
the better to hear with.

Nice smile.
They could make their own ears any way they wanted and draw their horse's faces any way they wanted.
They did turn out super cute.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday a Day Late

So, the ENT office called and I went in today.
He thinks I was sick and that is why I fell.
Great, so I am hurt and sick.

He gave me some new pack of steroids which you take for 5 days and a zpac.
I do feel better.
And, I have done nothing all week -
mostly slept,
took girls to and from their places,
went to work,
and, I did not attend bunco, er drunco.

I have to see him on Tuesday to discuss my nose.
He thinks on Friday,
he will briefly put me to sleep and try to pop in back into place.
It does look better already,
those steroids that I almost refused,
really work great.

I did not injure all of the good work he did a few years ago when he corrected my deviated septum and reduced my turbinates.
He was happy,
and mentioned one more time how twisted my septum was.
Ultra good.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Taxes are Done

I am schelping to Scottsdale to get my taxes.
I am bringing my stamps.
Why, the man does not efile is beyond me.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yesterday and the Day Before

Sunday night when I got up in the night,
I fell into the trim of a door.
My nose is swollen and slightly eschew.
I cried like a girl.
I am going to my ENT on Friday.

On Monday, while I was home suffering,
the health office called saying that Blonde Girl probably broke her big toe
I went and got her,
looking like some sort of crazed maniac.
We suffered together.
We have iced the toe and tape it daily.
She went to the nurse today and got re-iced and re-taped.
She barely could get out of bed this morning.
I do think is it a little better.

I have to go pick up my taxes tomorrow.
My tax man tried to file an extension.
I said, "oh no, you have had these since Feburary.
I have responded within the day when you had questions.
There will be no extension.
I am not happy."

They are now done.
Don't mess with a woman with a very sore nose.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Update

We had a wildly busy weekend.
Two soccer games.
One play practice.
One birthday party.
One NCL New Member Orientation that I had to bring 6 dozen cookies for.
I made 12 dozen.
One confirmation class.
I had dinner and pay-per-viewed with two old friends.
There was probably more, but who cares!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Photos

Here are the girls from Easter.
They were goofing around.

Friday, April 9, 2010

More Lemons

A neighbor just dropped these at my door.
She did not say hi,
just left these lemons for me.
This is the Arizona equivalent of leaving a box of kittens.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I Got Nothing


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

School Daze

Miss Brunette has had play practice until 7:00 Monday and Tuesday nights.
Blonde Girl has her district speech event next week.
We have been trying to get everything done.
I say we, because I am directing this rush to finish things once and for all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Senioritis - that's what the children in our class have.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Monday

We are good, spent the better part of the morning at the orthodontist.
We now need to decide who we are going to use.
Expensive, expensive.
Especially, the last guy.
If you start seeing advertisements on this blog,
you will know why.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter.
The girls dyed these eggs by themselves.
A sure sign that they are growing up.
I did heat up the water in the microwave.
They did their eggs out on the patio and even put down old newspapers.
I was impressed.
If only everyday could be like yesterday.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mixed Up

Do you watch the Wednesday night line-up on ABC?
"The Middle" and "Modern Family" are hilarious.
And, I love "Cougar Town".
Really funny.
We had to watch our Wednesday shows on Thursday,
but that was okay.
Except, yesterday did not feel like Friday to me.
Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Black Eyed Peas

All of us went to the Black Eyed Peas concert.
It was loud and had this heart jumping beat.
But, it was great.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Blonde Girl has missed two days of school due to pink eye.
I let her play outside in the backyard.
She is not really sick, so who cares.
If CVS would have filled her prescription in a timely manner,
we wouldn't have had to take the second day.
But, it is okay.
We baked cookies and organized my side of the closet