As we were walking into Macy's, Blonde Girl said to me, "Mom, can I get a second piercing?"
She just got the first piercing done on Tuesday. When she was 8 we had a failed attempt at getting her ears pierced.
There is a jeweler in my neighborhood who pierces all the little girls ears. You pick the earrings you want out of a catalog and they come pre-packaged and ready to be loaded into the piercing gun. This is how Miss Brunette got her ears pierced. The earrings are very good quality. The jeweler is so nice and spends a lot of time making sure the holes are going to be straight and centered. Miss Brunette's ears are perfectly pierced.
Blonde Girl's purple flower earrings had been sitting on that jeweler's bench for more than two years.
She chickened out after the sharpie pen marks were made on her ears. I think the black dots
put on her ears gave her a considerable amount of pain. At least that is what she claimed at the time.
They had Redemption Day at Sunday School. You get punches for right answers, attendance, bringing a friend, smiling and who knows what else. Blonde Girl chose stickers for your nails and some small tattoos. She put the tattoos on her ears.
Meanwhile, she has pierced every dolls ear that she owns. Some of Miss Brunette's earrings are permanently missing at they are probably in a doll or stuffed bear. In fact, over Christmas break we are going to get them all out and check their ears for the better earrings.
If you brought up the subject of piercing her ears, Blonde Girl would get upset and cry.
So, the tattoos went on her ears. She went to school and came home and said, "I want to get my ears pierced." I don't know if the kids at school made fun of her tattoos or if she just decided. I called the man, set the appointment and we went.
I told her, "we are just not getting one ear pierced, if you do one you have to do two." I had put numbing creme of her ears. "I know". She started crying. I held her tight and he did the first ear. She didn't cry during the piercing and then she started laughing. He did the other ear.
She raced to the mirror and was thrilled.
Now, every time we go to the store, we have to look at "EARRINGS'.