Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend Update

We, or should I say I, have got most of the Christmas decorations up. I have the tree out and lit, but will put the ornaments on when Blonde Girl gets home from school. She likes to polish her silver bells.

Am waiting for the tow truck to take Love Man's car to the mechanics. His engine is sparking.
Not inside the engine, but outside. I seriously thought about driving it down and letting the thing catch on fire. But, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.

It is always something.


The guy towed Sparky in.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It is About That Time

I can not believe November is almost over.
We have started putting up our Christmas decorations.
I left that village up all year.

Most of the houses in the village don't have Christmas decorations.
Some do. You'll find that even in the best neighborhoods.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

And So it Goes

As we were walking into Macy's, Blonde Girl said to me, "Mom, can I get a second piercing?"
She just got the first piercing done on Tuesday. When she was 8 we had a failed attempt at getting her ears pierced.
There is a jeweler in my neighborhood who pierces all the little girls ears. You pick the earrings you want out of a catalog and they come pre-packaged and ready to be loaded into the piercing gun. This is how Miss Brunette got her ears pierced. The earrings are very good quality. The jeweler is so nice and spends a lot of time making sure the holes are going to be straight and centered. Miss Brunette's ears are perfectly pierced.
Blonde Girl's purple flower earrings had been sitting on that jeweler's bench for more than two years.
She chickened out after the sharpie pen marks were made on her ears. I think the black dots
put on her ears gave her a considerable amount of pain. At least that is what she claimed at the time.
They had Redemption Day at Sunday School. You get punches for right answers, attendance, bringing a friend, smiling and who knows what else. Blonde Girl chose stickers for your nails and some small tattoos. She put the tattoos on her ears.
Meanwhile, she has pierced every dolls ear that she owns. Some of Miss Brunette's earrings are permanently missing at they are probably in a doll or stuffed bear. In fact, over Christmas break we are going to get them all out and check their ears for the better earrings.
If you brought up the subject of piercing her ears, Blonde Girl would get upset and cry.

So, the tattoos went on her ears. She went to school and came home and said, "I want to get my ears pierced." I don't know if the kids at school made fun of her tattoos or if she just decided. I called the man, set the appointment and we went.
I told her, "we are just not getting one ear pierced, if you do one you have to do two." I had put numbing creme of her ears. "I know". She started crying. I held her tight and he did the first ear. She didn't cry during the piercing and then she started laughing. He did the other ear.
She raced to the mirror and was thrilled.
Now, every time we go to the store, we have to look at "EARRINGS'.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

I did do a bit of shopping.
Got a new camera.
Cheap, cheap, cheap . . . .
Took Blonde Girl to Macy's.

She wrote this note to Santa.

She bought earrings, as she got her ears pierced on Tuesday.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Dish on Thanksgiving

See these His Majesty plates from Johnson Brothers? I found them for a song on a routine cruise through TJ Maxx this summer. Then later, because I am too stupid, it occurs to me that Johnson Brothers uses the same color palette. These dishes match my Johnson Brothers Friendly Village.

And, they do, more or less. They coordinate.

I figured these dessert plates would work with the turkey plates. I routinely buy two Johnson dessert plates, but have now stopped as I have 12. Sad day, when I purchased 11 and 12 of the plates.

But, when Blonde Girl was at soccer. Miss Brunette and I were AGAIN on a routine cruise through TJ Maxx, look what we found! Friendly Village dessert plates. I will use the Chintzy ones for bread.

I only have 6 of this wonderful set, but that is enough. On my honor, I promise never to buy another dish, unless it is to replace a broken one. But, I still like to look at them.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Feast Day

The feast at school was good and makes for a super fast day.
We wrapped our homemade pumpkin bread, ate and it was OVER.
The best part, is that I don't have to go to work until Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Naturally We Made These

Of course, I later added a beak, wobbler and legs.
They turned out cute.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Team Edward

At the girl's insistence, we went to "New Moon".
It was great, if you like all that teenage angst stuff.
The girls LOVED it.
Many of Miss Brunette's friends went to the midnight showing Thursday/Friday night.
I am simply too mean to let her do stuff like that.

I have started my cooking for Thanksgiving.
I made my dill dip and cranberry conserve.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Saturday was crazy.
Both girls had games/matches at the same time.
Also the Fall Festival was going on at Blonde Girl's school.
We did it all.
Then, grocery shopped for that big day next week.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday Night Dateless Night

The girls and I went to see "Blind Side" on Friday night.
It was great!
You have to see it.
I am now a huge fan of Michael Oher.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Feast

The Rainbow class made these for our Feast Day on Tuesday.
We have a Thanksgiving dinner and it is super sweet.
Many of the families come and all is right with the world.
At least, in that moment. of preschooldum.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

On to the Next Phase

I was late in picking up Blonde Girl.
I was putting groceries away and I lost track of time.
Miss Brunette would have gone to the school office.
I mean walked ALL the way back to the office.
Blonde Girl started walking home, backpack strapped on and pulling her drum.
She was completely unphased the the entire thing.
Funny how they are different, yet the same.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is Next?

My Playdoughology class ends next Tuesday.
It is such a great group,
I think we are going to have a party.
I'll have to check the allergies in the group.
You have to be soooo careful.

Next I am working two afternoons a week for the Christmas Workshop,
or as my teaching partner calls it,
Christmas Chaos.

I think that is more true.
It is like arts and crafts at Bible School on steroids.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can You Believe It?

OMG, it is nearly Thanksgiving.
Wait until I show you MY DISHES purchased, for a song, this summer.
Yes, I am a dish-a-holic.
But, just wait.
You will be impressed.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sadie the Character

We took Sadie to PetSmart to buy a new harness for her.
Hers broke yesterday, remember?
She jumped on a pile of dog beds,
so we got one on the floor for her to try out.
She URINATED on it.
Luckily, I was given a 20% discount.
We are now the owners of a giant dog bed,
complete with orthopedic springs.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Our Day

We had a busy day.
Two NCL meetings.
One soccer game and a volleyball game,
which was cancelled,
but we didn't know about the change.

I got a ticket for a California stop,
which I don't remember doing.
I thought I stopped.
The officer pulled out his "tint-o-meter",
and busted me for having too dark of tint on my windows.
Pretty expensive.

I can fight it in court.
Pay it.
Or, go to traffic school.
I think I have to fix the tint.

Then, at the park.
Sadie's harness broke,
causing Blonde Girl to wreck her scooter.

We are going to bed early.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekend Preview

Another busy week has gone by.
Tomorrow is a bit of a nightmare.
Once again, everything we have to do is at the same time.
I have mentioned that I don't like to be that busy.
I did rent the "Accidental Husband" starring my love and boyfriend,
I'll let you know what I think.

Love Man and I are also planning on seeing "Pirate Radio".
The girls can go to something else.
We do that,
split up in various configurations at the movies.

Love Man did not know,
for the longest time,
that I ardently love and admire Colin Firth.
Mrs. Right told him.
He was shocked.

I didn't think it was necessary to tell him.
It is not like I even KNOW Colin Firth
And, there is the whole business with Colin's gorgeous Italian wife, Livia.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sweater Weather

I may have to wear a sweater tomorrow.
It seems to be a tad cooler.
We sat outside the other night at drunco.
It was lovely.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Waiting and Waiting and Waiting

I am sitting here waiting for Miss Brunette to get home from babysitting.
I previously waited for Blonde Girl to get home from her playdate.
Just as well, as she was HOT to play at someone's house.
The first attempt at wrangling an invitation to someone's house ended in a misfire,
when the mother got out of the shower and said NO.
And, I had had that happen to me MANY, MANY times.
Then, she made a few calls and the rest is history.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

School Morning

We had breakfast outside this morning.
Miss Brunette did not want her picture taken,
as her hair was a mess.
Sadie seems concerned about her hair.

Blonde Girl doesn't care,
and neither does Sam.

Naturally, we have to cover up with blankets.
It is cold.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's Bakeapolooza!

We are baking today.
Pumpkin bread, cookies, dog biscuits and a lime pie.
You name it, we are making it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Show

Okay, the fashion show was a success.
You know, for a church tea and fashion show. . . .
I was very nervous and did not enjoy myself.
I guess being in a fashion show and being a bridesmaid are two things I hate to do.
This is why I never walked down an aisle when I got married.
I don't like being stared at.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Remember when Carrie was in the Fashion Show on S&TC?
She had to model panties and was a success,
despite falling on her face.

That will be me tomorrow.
Except, I am wearing clothes from Coldwater Creek,
and one "outfit change" resembles something that Shirley Patridge would wear.
Yes, the Shirley Partridge of "The Patridge Family".
Come on, get happy. . . . . . .
Hopefully I will not fall on my face.
But, that is not out of the realm of possibility.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We are Family

Homework did not go well tonight.
I think they have too much.
I make them do and they are always glad in the morning.
Not doing it, would mean LUNCH DETENTION.
Actually, I am only talking about one child.
But, the other one has her moments.
School can really stress her out.
Hopefully, they will not read this posting.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Return

Blonde Girl was sick yesterday.
I went back to work today.
Fun, fun and more fun at our house.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week Three

Today is my third Play Doughology class.
It is still the bomb and the hot ticket at the preschool.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I May Fully Recover

I am feeling better. I whined to Love Man last night and called this medical expert from my drunko, er bunco group, on Saturday. I was seeking a second, expert opinion. There may be hope for me yet.

The girls had a great Halloween.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So, it is Now November

Guess what? I am sick and have been since Wednesday. Some sort of plague or flu. Now, my ear is super sore and my throat is so full I can barely swallow. I am sure I also have a sinus infection. I'm calling my doctor in a little bit and begging her for drugs. She will probably make me go to urgent care. Oh God!!! The line and the waiting . . . . . . .

My only hope is that someone is going to Mexico and will buy me a giant bottle of
antibiotics for future emergencies.