This is Abby.
While we were at the mechanic's discussing my car,
she and Sam dug a hole under the RV gate.
They escaped past the chicken wire and into the front yard.
Sam was easily captured.
She did not return until 4:10 this morning.
Many people helped look for her.
We made flyers and put them all over the neighborhood.
Love Man and I looked for her until around 1:00 a.m.
Then, went to sleep fearing coyotes, hypothermia and cars.
We got up at 4:00 to get ready to go out again.Then, she appeared on our patio!
She is tired.
She is not speaking to Sam.
In fact, they appear to be angry with each other.
Apparently, he chickened out of some big night out.
Love Man stapled the chicken wire back and is adding a board.
We are not doing this again.
She seems afraid to go outside to go the the bathroom.
Both of the dogs are a little freaked out.

Here she is resting comfortably,
she is feeling very guilty.
I need to mention Love Man was sure she would come back the way she left.
She did.
He went out at 4:30 and fixed the hole.
Her snowman sweater,
put in her stocking by Santa,
probably helped her from getting too cold.