Saturday, January 31, 2009

Go Cardinals!

Every time I am outside, people drive by and yelling and screaming for my flag.
At first I thought it was me!!!!!
No, it is the FLAG.
Neighbor John advised me to take it in tonight.
I think I will.
It is a good flag.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Seeing Red

I think the entire city of Phoenix is wearing red today.
It is fun.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weather or Not?

Love Man was talking about frozen fog today.
What is that?
In Iowa - I remember ice, black ice, sleet, snow flurries and blizzards.
Frozen fog?
I did not know fog could freeze.

We had a bit of frost last night.
And, we were cold walking to school.
Blonde Girl couldn't hold my hand as she needed to keep it warm.

She is going to have a fit today.
Large trash pick-up took her cactus I had saved for her.
This will not be good.
It was separate from the large cactus pile, but they took it.
Or, it was taken by another cactus part seeker.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First Rose of the Year

I don't like yellow roses,
but Miss Brunette does.
I prefer the blue reds.
Of which, I have recently planted five.
Each a different shade of dark red.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is the cactus that used to be here.

You would not believe the number of people that have come to our door
wanting a piece of the cactus or just helping themselves.

This is the piece that is going somewhere in the backyard.
Blonde Girl is very sad about the cactus.

Neighbor John cut it down. '
His son attached chains to his truck to pull out the base by its roots.
It was way too big.

These roses are going in its place.
I can not believe how big the space is.

Monday, January 26, 2009

We are Growing an Amaryllis

Mrs. C gave me some of her "teacher gifts" that she didn't want.
One was a bulb kit to grow an amaryllis.
The plant gets bigger every day.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let it be Cancelled

It just got finished raining, pouring actually.
I am hoping soccer is cancelled.
The girls are still asleep.
The dogs are huddled in their bed.
Soccer being cancelled would be the "snow day" of my youth.
I tried to explain to the girls about the joy of a "snow day".
They didn't get it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Work, Work, Work

I would show you a picture of our lemon tree,
fully loaded with lemons.
But, I don't want to- as I know I am going to have to pick all of the lemons.
Then, I will have to juice them to freeze for the next year.
It is fun - if you have nothing else to do that day.

I would rather walk out there and pick the lemons I need.
But, I won't use them all that way.
Too many lemons this year.

Okay, I will show you.

It is best to leave to until March as they will be juicier.
The day is coming.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cardinal Red

Okay, I could care less about football.
It is not my thing.
However, Love Man has watched and supported those Cardinals for 20 years.
I am so happy for him that the Cardinals are going to the Super Bowl.
I want them to win, too!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Love Man makes the food.
He told me we were out and I announced that it was his job.
He is in charge of the outside.
Although, I now have a lot of yard work. . . . .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lemons on the Brain

Remember the lemon tree in the pot?
It is going to bloom.

Which means, it will have lemons this fall.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Friendly Village

The dishes belonged to my mom's neighbor.
She was a complete character and gave them to my mom.
Although, there are "Js" on the bottom of them.
Hard to say why,
but all of her children names began with "J".

Naturally, I begged Mom for them and she gave them to me last year.
They are cute, aren't they?
I like using them at Thanksgiving.

I think the Spode brown turkey plates would be great with them.
I am hoping to run into them.
One of the problems with being a major-deal-getter,
is that I expect it all of the time.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lemon Curd Recipe

From Mrs. Wright per Delia Smith, who is the Martha Stewart of England. Google her!!
Lemon Curd

Makes three 1 lb (350 ml capacity) jars

grated zest and juice 4 large juicy lemons
4 large eggs
12 oz (350 g) golden caster sugar
8 oz (225 g) unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into small lumps
1 level dessertspoon cornstarch
You will also need three 1 lb (350 ml capacity) jars, sterilised.
Begin by lightly whisking the eggs in a medium-sized saucepan, then add the rest of the ingredients and place the saucepan over a medium heat. Now whisk continuously using a balloon whisk until the mixture thickens – about 7-8 minutes. Next, lower the heat to its minimum setting and let the curd gently simmer for a further minute, continuing to whisk. After that, remove it from the heat.
Now pour the lemon curd into the hot, sterilised jars, filling them as full as possible, cover straightaway with waxed discs, seal while it is still hot and label when it is cold. It will keep for several weeks, but it must be stored in refrigerator.

Mrs. Wright and I doubled the recipe.
She did most of the work.
I helped pick the lemons.
And, I talked to her while she worked!

We used regular sugar. We warmed the jars in water in the sink. We used regular jelly jars with rings and seals, like the Americans use.

We just used a teaspoon (roughly measured) of the corn starch.

The recipe is very easy and the curd is great!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


They have spelling tests.
Miss Brunette had a science test,
did well,
as her mother made her make flashcards.
Now, it is Greek mythology.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Greek to Me

Okay, I do try to rotate the pictures and it always comes up that I can't do it.
Love Man help me!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cheap and Cheerful

Okay, I will give out the recipe for the lemon curd.
I just have to get it from Mrs. Wright.
I know what goes into it.
Six lemons, the zest.
You have to cook it over a double boiler.
Very easy,
but takes a long time.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Greek Roman Day

White sheet to make toga, Goodwill $3.99
Braid for toga, Goodwill $4.99
Lahovsh for feast, $6.99
Learning through immersion, priceless.
I will post Miss Brunette in her toga on Wednesday.
I just wrap have to wrap the sheet around her skinny, little body.
Miss Brunette is very fashion conscious and seems to know what to do.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Toga, Toga

OMG, I have to make a toga for Miss Brunette for school.
I am craft-challenged.
Seriously, this is not where my gifts lie.
Now, if it were on the street or at a yard sale for a quarter. . . . .

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yes, I got the pillows.
They were made by alteration lady Becky.
She occasionally alters things for me.
But, she mostly recovers things and does my pillows.
They look good.
She made six in all.
The trim matches my rattan chair and sofa.
I didn't want her to use that trim,
she did anyway.
She knows more than I do,
so it worked out.

Also, light rail is a train that runs in middle of street.
It took years to build and is mostly in central Phoenix area,
but you can go all the way to Tempe on it.
We might take it to the airport.
Or, maybe to a baseball game.
It is $2.50 for a round trip fare.

I will get the lemon curd recipe and post it.
My friend is English and this was her idea.
I just went along with it.
It is great.
I know you can layer it in an angel food cake.
You can infuse it in muffins.
Or, have it with English toasting bread,
like me
The property is secure.
Love Man made the RV gate escape proof.
He used cement blocks and chicken wire.
We are not having a dog dig their way out again.

And, for the challenged,
FAQ is frequently asked questions.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lemon Curd

Mrs. Wright and I made lemon curd.
It is great.
Blonde Girl wants to eat it from the jar with a spoon.
Yes, it is that good.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Oranges are Ready

At long last, the oranges are ready.
They are juicy and great.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Love Man and the Sled

The man brought a toboggan back to CdA to haul his stuff to the house.
He figured the driveway would be undriveable,
as they have had record snows.
The highway that he lives near does not appear to EVER be plowed.
We are also cold here.
It keeps raining.
I bought a down vest and now wished I have gotten a jacket with arms.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

They Have Made Up

Sam and Abby are no longer fighting.
They aren't made at each other anymore.
The dogs are back to sleeping in the same doggy bed.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Light Rail

The light rail is here.
It has taken years.
It was free the first weekend.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Adventures of Abby

This is Abby.
While we were at the mechanic's discussing my car,
she and Sam dug a hole under the RV gate.
They escaped past the chicken wire and into the front yard.
Sam was easily captured.
She did not return until 4:10 this morning.

Many people helped look for her.
We made flyers and put them all over the neighborhood.
Love Man and I looked for her until around 1:00 a.m.
Then, went to sleep fearing coyotes, hypothermia and cars.
We got up at 4:00 to get ready to go out again.Then, she appeared on our patio!

She is tired.
She is not speaking to Sam.
In fact, they appear to be angry with each other.
Apparently, he chickened out of some big night out.

Love Man stapled the chicken wire back and is adding a board.
We are not doing this again.
She seems afraid to go outside to go the the bathroom.
Both of the dogs are a little freaked out.

Here she is resting comfortably,
she is feeling very guilty.
I need to mention Love Man was sure she would come back the way she left.
She did.
He went out at 4:30 and fixed the hole.
Her snowman sweater,
put in her stocking by Santa,
probably helped her from getting too cold.