Top Five Funniest Things to Happen at Preschool
This very cute little red-headed girl was watching the boys run wildly throughout the room.
I said, "boys".
She looked right at me and said "they have penises you know."
She was three at the time.
Another boy, during the first few weeks of school, pooped in the urinal.
I was really surprised that he did it and was actually able to do it.
He said "oh yeah, I made a big mistake".
We never told his mother, who would have died of embarrassment.
Another boy, during first few weeks of school,
told me he "thought he would give that urinator a try".
We were looking for someone of Jewish descent to come and make potato latkes in class.
This one boy said they celebrated Chanukah.
I asked him, if they were Jewish and he said his mother was.
Turns out they were not Jewish, but had a harmonica that was blue and silver.
He celebrated with it.
His mother laughed so hard, she told everybody she saw that story.
Several of the children have wanted play dates at our houses.
My partner was joking with one of the children and said "okay", we'll have a sleepover."
The little girl got so excited at the prospect and then would only sleepover if pancakes were involved.